In 2018, a unique artistic collaboration was born in Paris: the Duo Des Articulés, formed by Marine Buridant and Alexandre Astruc. Their unlikely encounter, between a former engineer and a former cinema decorator, marked the beginning of a remarkable journey in the world of circus. In France, they have graced some of the most legendary venues such as Le Trianon, the Folies Bergères, the Casino de Paris, UNESCO, and more. The Duo Des Articulés also distinguished themselves on the international stage, notably at the prestigious Bal des Doges, the most exclusive event of the Venice Carnival. It was with words of admiration that Antonia Sauter, a renowned designer and stylist, welcomed them to the event, a testament to their artistic excellence. Their notable presence has also extended to several international circus festivals in Italy, Germany, China, and Australia. What primarily characterizes the Duo Des Articulés is their ability to captivate audiences with their boundless creativity, unmatched technical virtuosity, and engaging storytelling through the universal language of movement. Their duo transcends borders and cultures, leaving an indelible mark.

© Nestor – contorsionniste 2019